Resolving Budget Check Errors



This section of the course contains queries and reports that may help you resolve common budget checking errors during the year-end review process.

This may include the following:

Name Description Location
UGA_KK_CTL_CLASS_SUM Dept Ctl Group Fund & Class

UGA Financials -

Query Viewer

UGA_KK_CLASS_SUM Fund & Class Balances

UGA Financials -

Query Viewer

UGA_KK_PARENT_EXP_REV_BALS_SUM Dept Parent Budget Balances

UGA Financials -

Query Viewer

UGA_PC_NONSP_BUDGET NonSponsored Budget Distribution UGA Financials - Query Viewer
UGA_KK_PROJ_BUD_BAL_WSUM Project Budget Balances

UGA Financials -

Query Viewer

UGA_GM_BUDGET_BY_CFS Grant Budget By ChartFields

UGA Financials -

Query Viewer


UGA Financials -

Query Viewer

UGA_GM_DATES_BY_ACTIVITY Begin & End Dates for Projects

UGA Financials -

Query Viewer

Budget Overview Tool Provides the ability to look at your budget information for specific ChartField combinations

UGA Financials - General Ledger page

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