Running the Exp Workflow - Approval in Process Query


Use the UGA_TE_ER_WORKFLOW_PENDING query to review the expense reports in your department or unit that are pending approval.

You can also access this query using Query Viewer, accessed from the tile on the UGA Financials homepage.

In this article, you will learn the steps to run a query to view the status of expense reports in the approval process.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Financial Management System

Click the Classic Home tile.

2. Step 2

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To navigate to the Business Management Workcenter , select:

Main Menu > UGA > Business Management Workcenter

3. Step 3

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Click the Reports/Queries tab.

4. Step 4

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In the Expense Reports section, click the Workflow - Approval in Process link.

5. Step 5

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The parameters for the UGA_TE_ER_WORKFLOW_PENDING query are displayed.

This search uses Department ID.  You can search using an entire ID number, or you can search for departments using a partial ID number by inserting a % sign as a wildcard.  For example, 17% would return all departments starting with 17.

Leave only the % sign in the field if you want to view all departments.

Example shown here: " 17 " in front of the wildcard (%).

6. Step 6

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Click the View Results button to run the query.

7. Step 7

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Click the  Minimize Business Management Workcenter  icon to close the menu to see more of the query results.

Note : Data has been distorted to protect employee information.

8. Step 8

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The results of the query are displayed and show the expense reports that are still in the approval process.

Results include the name of the employee who completed the travel; the ID and description assigned to the expense report; the status of the document; the dates of creation, submission and resubmission of the expense report; and the travel destination.

9. Step 9

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Hyperlinks in the query results can link to original documents or pages in view only mode to give more information.

Click the Report ID of the expense report you want to view. I

Example shown here: 0100008453 link.

10. Step 10

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A new page opens with the original expense report displayed in summary mode.

This shows the total due the employee and gives information on the purpose of the travel. You can also see the Approval History status.  

11. Step 11

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For further review of this expense report, click the Expense Details link on the right side of the page to view the details.

12. Step 12

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The top of the details page shows the destination, the travel authorization ID (if linked), and the current status of the expense report.  

13. Step 13

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The Expenses section shows each line that makes up the expenses total on the report.  

14. Step 14

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From this page, you can view the accounting chartstrings for each line of the report.

Click the Expand All link.

15. Step 15

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To review the chartstring for any line, click the Expand Accounting Lines button.

16. Step 16

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You can scroll through the ChartFields to see what makes up the chartstring for the selected line.

17. Step 17

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When you complete your review, click the Collapse All  link.

18. Step 18

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After you have reviewed the details, click the Summary link to return to the Summary page.

19. Step 19

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You are returned to the search page.

Click the Close Tab button to close the page.

20. Step 20

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You can also view the status of the report lines from the query results by clicking the status in the Exp Rpt Status line.

Click the status for the line you want to review. In this example, click the first line .

21. Step 21

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The results shown here are the result of another query that shows the approval activity on each line of the expense report.

22. Step 22

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Close the results when you complete your review.

23. Step 23

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You can download the data into an Excel SpreadSheet for further analysis, if needed

Click the Excel SpreadSheet link and follow the prompts to open as an Excel document.

24. Step 24

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Once the Excel spreadsheet opens, you can add filters to help you sort and view the information you need.

When you are finished, click the Close button.

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