The Fluid interface allows you to navigate in the system using tiles and icons. This interface looks similar whether you are using a laptop, a phone, or a tablet. While there are minor differences depending on the platform, the similarities allow you to work seamlessly between devices.
You can access the UGA Financial Management System using a graphic interface that allows you to work in the same environment across devices.
In this article you will learn a few of the navigation tips to use the fluid interface effectively.
First, log into the Financial Management System.
Click the Actions List button.
Click the Personalize Homepage link.
The Personalize Homepage allows you to rearrange the order of the tiles or add tiles on your page.
When you have completed the task, click the Save button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Click the My Preferences link.
The General Settings page displays with options available for you to change.
The right side of the page contains the preferences that can be changed for that selection. This will vary based on the security roles assigned to you.
Click the Save button to record any changes you make.
The UGA Financial Home page redisplays.
Click the NavBar button.
Click the Menu link.
Click the Approvals link.
If you are an approver, this page provides the list of items waiting for your approval. If you work in both Classic and Fluid screens, you can access the Classic view from the NavBar.
Click the Navigation button.
The NavBar Menu displays.
Click the Classic Home link.
The Classic view is displayed and you can navigate to any of the pages where you work.
Click the Main Menu dropdown button.
The menu structure appears. Your menu will be restricted to the items to which you have access.
Click the Home button.
The UGA Financials Home page redisplays.
Click the Recently Visted menu link.
Click the Query Viewer link.
The Query Viewer page displays with a list of queries to choose or search.
Click the Home Button.
Click the Travel Authorizations tile.
The Travel Authorizations Search page displays. On this page, you can view or add travel authorizations.
To return to the Homepage, click the UGA Financials back button.