When you approve a General Ledger Journal, all of the ChartFields are not available on the approval page. Running the UGA_GL_JOURNAL_ENTRY query will show all of the ChartFields for a specific journal.
In this article, you will learn the steps to run a query in the UGA Financial Management System that will show the ChartFields used on each line of a journal.
First, log into the Financial Management System
Click the Employee Self Service drop-down menu.
Click the UGA Financials option.
The UGA Financials homepage is displayed.
Click the Query Viewer tile.
The Query Viewer page is displayed. Enter the appropriate information in the begins with field.
Example shown here: " UGA_GL_JOURNAL_ENTRY " in the begins with field.
Click the Search button.
To run the query in your browser, click the HTML link.
The selected query is opened in a new browser tab. Enter the appropriate information into the Journal ID (can use partial %) field.
Note: Partial Journal IDs can be entered when followed by % .
Example shown here: " 1000125698 " into the Journal ID (can use partial %) field.
Click the View Results button.
All of the journal lines are displayed, and you can see the values entered in all ChartFields.