Submitting a Budget Journal Spreadsheet


In this article, you will learn how to finalize and submit a budget journal.

These pages can also be accessed from the Business Management WorkCenter.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Financial Management System.

On the UGA Financials homepage, click the General Ledger tile.

2. Step 2

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Navigate to the Budget   Journal Entries page by selecting the following:

Commitment Control > Enter Budget Journals

Click the Enter Budget Journals link.

3. Step 3

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Click the Collapse menu button.

4. Step 4

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You have already added the journal through the upload spreadsheet process, so now you need to locate it.

5. Step 5

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Enter any Search Criteria needed to find the journal. If you noted the journal number, enter it in the Journal ID field. Or use the Business Unit and your User ID (MyID) to see all the documents you have submitted.

6. Step 6

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Click the Search button.

Note: If there is only one journal that matches the criteria, it will open. If more than one journal matches the criteria, a list will appear. Click on any entry in the list to select the journal.

7. Step 7

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The Budget Header page opens. Review the page to make sure the information is correct.

The process to submit the journal is on the Budget Lines page.

Click the Budget Lines tab.

8. Step 8

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The Budget Lines are displayed. Review the lines and make changes as needed. If you make changes, be sure to save using the Save button in the bottom left corner of the page.

9. Step 9

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When you have reviewed all of the budget journal lines, you are ready to finalize and submit for approval.

Click the Process dropdown list.

10. Step 10

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First you want to do a budget pre-check to be sure funds are available.

Click the Budget Pre-Check option.

11. Step 11

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Click the Process button.

12. Step 12

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A pop-up message appears to make sure that you want to do this step.

Click the Yes button.

13. Step 13

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If the Budget Header Status does not display "Error," you are ready to edit the Chartfields to be sure they are valid.

14. Step 14

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To edit the Chartfields, click the Process dropdown list.

15. Step 15

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Click the Edit Chartfields option.

16. Step 16

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The Edit ChartFields process checks for the validity of ChartFields on each line. It also checks for valid combinations of ChartFields.

17. Step 17

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If the Budget Header Status and Approval Header Status do not show Errors, you are ready to submit the journal for approval.

Click the Process dropdown list.

18. Step 18

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Click the Submit Journal option.

19. Step 19

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This will automatically check the Submit For Approval check box.

20. Step 20

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The Submit Journal process puts the transaction into workflow.

Click the Process button.

21. Step 21

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If there are no errors, the Approval Header status will display Pending.

22. Step 22

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There may be a different approval pool for each line of the journal if each line is charged to a different department. Approval will not advance to the next step until all approvals have been completed.

You can view the approvers in each pool.

23. Step 23

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The names of the approvers will be displayed.

Note : Data has been distorted to protect employee information.

Click the Close button.

24. Step 24

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When you have finished reviewing the approval path, close the page.

Click the Return button.

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