Managing Applicant Status


In UGAJobs, you move applicants through workflow states throughout the hiring process.


  1. Step 1: Click the Postings link.
  2. Step 2: Click the type of posting for which you want to manage applicant status.
  3. Step 3: Enter keyword(s) into the Search Keyword field.
  4. Step 4: Check the box to the left of the appropriate position.
  5. Step 5: Click the User Group drop-down list.
  6. Step 6: Click the Applicant Manager list option.
  7. Step 7: Click the Applicants tab.
  8. Step 8: Select the applicant(s) to update the status of the application(s) for the position.
  9. Step 9: The selected applicant's job application page is displayed.
  10. Step 10: Click the Take Action On Job Application button.
  11. Step 11: Click the Select (move to Reviewed by Department) link.
  12. Step 12: Click the Submit button.
  13. Step 13: You are returned to the application details page.
  14. Step 14: Click the Select (move to Selected for Interview) link.
  15. Step 15: Click the Submit button.
  16. Step 16: The applicant's status is now updated to "Selected for Interview". 
  17. Step 17: Click the Select (move to Interviewed) link.
  18. Step 18: Click the Reason drop-down button to select the appropriate reason.
  19. Step 19: Click the Submit button.
  20. Step 20: The current status is now updated to "Interviewed".
  21. Step 21: Click the Recommend (move to Recommended for Hire) link.
  22. Step 22: Click the Submit button.
  23. Step 23: The current status is updated to "Recommended for Hire".
  24. Step 24: Click the Applicant Review link.
  25. Step 25: The position posting page is displayed. 
  26. Step 26: Select the applicant(s) to update the status of the application(s) for the position.
  27. Step 27: Continue selecting applicants as appropriate.
  28. Step 28: Click the Move in Workflow link in the BULK section of the Actions list.
  29. Step 29: The Editing: Workflow States page is displayed with a list of the selected applicants.
  30. Step 30: Select a new workflow state individually by clicking on the appropriate drop-down list.
  31. Step 31: Use the Change for all applicants box to select the workflow state for all applicants.
  32. Step 32: Click the Save changes button.
  33. Step 33: The position posting page is displayed. 
  34. Step 34: Click the Actions drop-down menu in the Active Applicants section.
  35. Step 35: Click the Reload menu option.
  36. Step 36: Select the appropriate applicant(s) to move to the next workflow stop.
  37. Step 37: Continue selecting applicants as appropriate.
  38. Step 38: Click the Move in Workflow link in the BULK section of the Actions list.
  39. Step 39: Click the Change for all applicants drop-down list.
  40. Step 40: Click the appropriate workflow state.
  41. Step 41: Select the appropriate reason or the change from the list.
  42. Step 42: Click the Save changes button.
  43. Step 43: You are returned to the Applicant Review page. 
  44. Step 44: Right-click the page and click the Reload icon.
  45. Step 45: Select the appropriate applicant(s) to move to the next workflow stop.
  46. Step 46: Continue selecting applicants as needed.
  47. Step 47: Click the Move in Workflow link in the BULK section of the Actions list.
  48. Step 48: Click the Interviewed list item.
  49. Step 49: Click to open the drop-down menu and select the appropriate list item.
  50. Step 50: Click the Save changes button.
  51. Step 51: You are returned to the Applicant Review page again.
  52. Step 52: Right-click the page and then click the Reload icon.
  53. Step 53: Select the appropriate applicant(s) to move to the next workflow stop.
  54. Step 54: Continue to select applicants if needed.
  55. Step 55: Click the Move in Workflow link under the BULK section of the Actions list.
  56. Step 56: Click the Change for all applicants drop-down button.
  57. Step 57: Click the Interviewed, Not Selected to receive offer list item.
  58. Step 58: Click the Reason drop-down button to select the appropriate reason for each applicant.
  59. Step 59: Click the Experience not as strong as that of candidate selected to receive offer option.
  60. Step 60: Click the Did not present favorably option.
  61. Step 61: Click the Save changes button.
  62. Step 62: The Applicant Review page is displayed again.
  63. Step 63: Right-click the page and click the Reload icon.
  64. Step 64:Select the appropriate applicant(s) to move to the next workflow stop.
  65. Step 65: Continue selecting applicants as needed.
  66. Step 66: Click the Move in Workflow link in the BULK section of the Actions list.
  67. Step 67: Click the Change for all applicants drop-down list.
  68. Step 68: Click the Reviewed by Department list item.
  69. Step 69: Click the Save changes button.
  70. Step 70: You are again returned to the Applicant Review page.
  71. Step 71: Right-click the page and click the Reload icon.
  72. Step 72: Select the appropriate applicants to move the applicants to the next workflow stop.
  73. Step 73: Continue selecting applicants as needed.
  74. Step 74: Click the Move in Workflow link in the BULK section of the Actions list.
  75. Step 75: Click the Change for all applicants drop-down list.
  76. Step 76: Click Met minimum qualifications, Not Interviewed.
  77. Step 77: Click the Reason drop-down button to select the appropriate reason for all the selected applicants.  
  78. Step 78:Click the Save changes button.
  79. Step 79: The Applicant Review page is displayed.

In this article, you will learn the steps to manage the status of applications for a position after you have reviewed each applicant. You will see how to update each applicant's status through the application process.

1. Step 1

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First, log into UGAJobs.

On the UGAJobs homepage, click the Postings link.

2. Step 2

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Click the type of posting for which you want to manage applicant status.

Example shown here: Staff link.

3. Step 3

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To find the appropriate posting, enter keyword(s) into the Search Keyword field.

4. Step 4

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Check the box to the left of the appropriate position.

5. Step 5

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The selected position posting page is displayed.

On the UGAJobs homepage, the User Group field displays a default role for the user who is performing the review.

Note: The Applicant Manager role is assigned when the posting is created. An Applicant Manager can view postings and applicants for their department(s). It is recommended that this role be assigned to either the initiator, the hiring authority and/or to the person to whom the Search Chair delegates this responsibility.

To select the Applicant Manager role to manage applicant status, click the User Group drop-down list.

6. Step 6

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Click the Applicant Manager list option.

7. Step 7

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To view the applications, click the Applicants tab.

8. Step 8

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The Active Applicants section is displayed at the bottom of the page.

The Active Applicants section displays all applicants who have completed their applications for the position and remain active in the application process.

Select the applicant(s) to update the status of the application(s) for the position.

Example shown here: Roosevelt option.

9. Step 9

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The selected applicant's job application page is displayed.

The current status is shown under the applicant's name.  In this example, the applicant is "Under Review by Department".

Note: When a candidate applies for a posting, he or she will automatically by placed in the “Under Review by Department” workflow stop.   

10. Step 10

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Once the departmental review of the applicant is complete, you are ready to move them to the next step in the process. All applicants in the pool must be moved into the Reviewed by Department workflow status, unless the applicant has withdrawn his or her application.

Click the Take Action On Job Application button.

11. Step 11

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Click the Select (move to Reviewed by Department) link.

12. Step 12

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The Take Action window is displayed with the Select (move to Reviewed by Department) option.

Click the Submit button.

13. Step 13

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You are returned to the application details page. The current status has been updated to "Reviewed by Department". 

14. Step 14

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To continue moving the applicant through workflow, you will see several options listed under the Take Action on Job Application button. 

If you want to advance the candidate to an interview, click the Select (move to Selected for Interview) link.

15. Step 15

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The Take Action window is displayed.

Click the Reason (required)  drop-down button to select an appropriate reason.

Example shown here: "Candidate Meets Minimum Qualifications" list item is selected.

Click the Submit button.

16. Step 16

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The applicant's status is now updated to "Selected for Interview".  

17. Step 17

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Once the applicant has completed the interview, click the Select (move to Interviewed) link.

18. Step 18

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The Take Action window is displayed.

Click the Reason drop-down button to select the appropriate reason.

Note: There are two reasons under "Selected for Interview":

1 .Selected for 1st or only interview: Choose this option if (a) the candidate selected for a first round interview and not selected for a second round interview or (b) the unit only conducted one round of interviews.

2 .Selected for 2nd or more interviews: Choose this option if the candidate is selected for multiple rounds of interviews. If selected for the second or more rounds of interviews, it is inferred that the candidate was interviewed in an earlier round(s) and selected for the next round of interviews.  

Example shown here: Selected for 1st or only interview list item.

19. Step 19

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After selecting the appropriate reason, click the Submit button.

20. Step 20

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The current status is now updated to "Interviewed". 

21. Step 21

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If a hiring decision is made after the interview, click the Recommend (move to Recommended for Hire) link.

Note: Remember that HR recommends you have a signed offer letter prior to moving your candidates into the Recommended for Hire state in the workflow.

22. Step 22

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The Take Action window is displayed.

Click the Submit button.

23. Step 23

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The current status is updated to "Recommended for Hire".

24. Step 24

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To update the status of the other applicant(s) for the position, click the Applicant Review link.

25. Step 25

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The position posting page is displayed.  

26. Step 26

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On the Active Applicants page, select the applicant(s) to update the status of the application(s) for the position.

Note: You have the ability to move multiple applicants in the workflow in bulk. 

Example shown here:  Washington option.

27. Step 27

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Continue selecting applicants as appropriate.

Example shown here: the Fillmore option.

28. Step 28

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Click the Move in Workflow link in the BULK section of the Actions list.

29. Step 29

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The Editing: Workflow States page is displayed with a list of the selected applicants.

30. Step 30

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If moving individual applicants, select a new workflow state individually by clicking on the appropriate drop-down list.

31. Step 31

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If moving all applicants to the same state, use the Change for all applicants box to select the workflow state for all the applicants you selected.

Example shown here: the Reviewed by Department list item to move both applicants to this status.

32. Step 32

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After choosing the appropriate application status for all the selected applicants, click the Save changes button.

33. Step 33

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The position posting page is displayed.  

34. Step 34

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Click the Actions drop-down menu in the Active Applicants section.

35. Step 35

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Click the Reload menu option.

36. Step 36

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The Active Applicants section is updated.

Select the appropriate applicant(s) to move to the next workflow stop.

Example shown here: the Washington applicant.

37. Step 37

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Continue selecting applicants as appropriate.

Example shown here: Fillmore applicant.

38. Step 38

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Click the Move in Workflow link in the BULK section of the Actions list.

39. Step 39

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The Workflow States for the selected applicants page is displayed.

To select the appropriate change for all of the applicants, click the Change for all applicants drop-down list.

40. Step 40

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Click the appropriate workflow state.

Example shown here: Selected for Interview.

41. Step 41

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A selection box is displayed. Select the appropriate reason or the change from the list.

Example shown here: Candidate Meets Minimum Qualifications list item.

42. Step 42

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Click the Save changes button.

43. Step 43

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You are returned to the Applicant Review page.  

44. Step 44

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Right-click the page and click the Reload icon.

45. Step 45

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The Active Applicants section is updated.

Select the appropriate applicant(s) to move to the next workflow stop.

Example shown here: Washington.

46. Step 46

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Continue selecting applicants as needed.

Example shown here: Fillmore.

47. Step 47

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Click the Move in Workflow link in the BULK section of the Actions list.

48. Step 48

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The Workflow States for the selected applicants page are displayed again.

To select an appropriate change for all of  the applicants, click the Change for all applicants drop-down list.

Click the Interviewed list item.

49. Step 49

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Another selection box is presented.

Click to open the drop-down menu and select the appropriate list item. 

Example shown here: Selected for 1st or only interview .

50. Step 50

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Click the Save changes button.

51. Step 51

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You are returned to the Applicant Review page again.

52. Step 52

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Right-click the page and then click the Reload icon.

53. Step 53

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The Active Applicants section is updated.

Select the appropriate applicant(s) to move to the next workflow stop.

Example shown here: Washington.

54. Step 54

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Continue to select applicants if needed.

Example shown here: Fillmore.

55. Step 55

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Click the Move in Workflow link under the BULK section of the Actions list.

56. Step 56

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The Workflow States for the selected Applicants page is displayed again.

Click the Change for all applicants drop-down button.

57. Step 57

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When you move candidates into an inactive state, such as “Candidate does NOT meet Minimum Qualifications,” you will be asked to select the appropriate reason that best explains why you are moving the applicants in the workflow.

Click the Interviewed, Not Selected to receive offer list item.

58. Step 58

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You can select a reason for each candidate even if you moved all of them in the workflow together.

Click the Reason drop-down button to select the appropriate reason for each applicant.

59. Step 59

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For Washington, click the Experience not as strong as that of candidate selected to receive offer option.

60. Step 60

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For Fillmore, click the Did not present favorably option.

61. Step 61

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Click the Save changes button.

62. Step 62

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The Applicant Review page is displayed again.

63. Step 63

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Right-click the page and click the Reload icon.

64. Step 64

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The Active Applicants section is updated.

Select the appropriate applicant(s) to move to the next workflow stop.

Example shown here: Lincoln.

65. Step 65

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Continue selecting applicants as needed.

Example shown here: Jefferson.

66. Step 66

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Click the Move in Workflow link in the BULK section of the Actions list.

67. Step 67

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You are returned to the Workflow States page.  

Click the Change for all applicants drop-down list.

68. Step 68

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Click the Reviewed by Department list item.

69. Step 69

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Click the Save changes button.

70. Step 70

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You are again returned to the Applicant Review page.

71. Step 71

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Right-click the page and click the Reload icon.

72. Step 72

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The Active Applicants section is updated.

Select the appropriate applicants to move the applicants to the next workflow stop.

Example shown here: Lincoln.

73. Step 73

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Continue selecting applicants as needed.

Example shown here: Jefferson.

74. Step 74

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Click the Move in Workflow link in the BULK section of the Actions list.

75. Step 75

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The Workflow States for the selected applicants are displayed again.

Click the Change for all applicants drop-down list.

76. Step 76

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Click Met minimum qualifications, Not Interviewed.

77. Step 77

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Another selection box is opened.

Click the Reason drop-down button to select the appropriate reason for all the selected applicants.   

Click Experience not as strong as that of candidates selected for interview.

78. Step 78

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You can also select the appropriate reason for each applicant.

For both Lincoln and Jefferson, "Experience not as strong as that of candidates selected for interview" list item is selected.

Click the Save changes button.

79. Step 79

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The Applicant Review page is displayed. 

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