Viewing an Employee's Payable Time as a Supervisor


The OneUSG Connect system allows Supervisors to view an employee's payable time.

In this article, you will learn the steps to view an employee's payable time in OneUSG Connect as a Supervisor.

1. Step 1

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First, log into OneUSG Connect.                         

From the Manager Self Service homepage in One USG Connect, click the Team Time tile.

2. Step 2

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The Team Time page is displayed.

Click the Payable Time link.

3. Step 3

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The Team Time page is displayed with options to search for the appropriate employee with payable time.

Click the Filter button.

Note: The Get Employees button will return all employees under your supervision.

4. Step 4

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The Filters menu is displayed.

Enter the appropriate information in the available search field(s).

Example shown here: " Hadley "into the Last Name field.

5. Step 5

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Click the Done button.

6. Step 6

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The Team Time page is displayed with the searched employee(s).

Choose the appropriate employee from the Name/Title field.

Example shown here: Glenn Hadley from the Name/Title field.

7. Step 7

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The Payable Time Summary field for the selected employee is displayed. If necessary, Enter the appropriate information in the From and Through date fields to navigate between pay periods.

8. Step 8

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The Payable Time Summary for the selected dates is displayed.

To expand the Time Summary, click the Detail button.

9. Step 9

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There are three status types:

Approved, Needs Approval, and Taken by Payroll.

Throughout the pay period, Payable Time (which is different than Reported Time) will stay in the Needs Approval status. This status is changed to Approved, centrally, right before Payroll runs. When the time is included in the employee's paycheck, the status is changed to Taken by Payroll.

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