Running the Faculty Contract Dept Review Query


You can run the Faculty Contract Dept Review query (180_MFE_CONTRACT_DEPT_REVIEW) from the System Manager Reporting Page to view faculty contract information in the OneUSG Connect system. This query should be run to locate incorrect information prior to the faculty contract delivery process in June 2019.

In this article, you will learn the steps to run the faculty contract department review query.

1. Step 1

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First, log into OneUSG Connect

From the Manager Self Service page, click the System Manager Reporting tile.

2. Step 2

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In the Queries section on the left side of the screen, click the Manage Faculty Events menu link.

3. Step 3

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Click the Faculty Contract Dept Review query link.

4. Step 4

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The 180_MFE_CONTRACT_DEPT_REVIEW query search page is displayed.

You are required to enter information into the Year and Cycle fields. All other search fields (Department, Empl ID, Contract Type, and Status) are optional to limit your results.

Note: Leaving the % sign in a field will return all results in a field.

5. Step 5

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Enter the appropriate information into the YEAR field.  

Example shown here: " 2020. "

6. Step 6

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Enter the appropriate information into the CYCLE field.

Example shown here: " 1 ".

7. Step 7

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Click the View Results button.

8. Step 8

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The requested results are displayed.

You can download the results in three formats (i.e., Excel SpreadSheet, CSV Text File, and XML File).  

Example shown here: Excel SpreadSheet link.

9. Step 9

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The Excel file of the results section is downloaded to your computer.

Click the Open button.

10. Step 10

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The file opens in Protected View.

Click Enable Editing to be able to edit the document.

11. Step 11

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You can filter and sort the data in each column to view the information you need.

On this page, columns show Contract Status, Contract Type Code, Contract Type Description, Employee ID, and Contract Name.

Note: There are four types of Contract Status (Notified, Approved, Generated, and Signed). Department Review means   "Notified."  

12. Step 12

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Scroll to the right to view additional columns, including Department number, Position Number, and Job Code.

13. Step 13

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Scroll to the right to view additional columns, including Paygroup, Employment Type F/P (full- or part-time), Employee Type R/T, FTE, and Tenure Status.

14. Step 14

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Scroll to the right to view additional columns, including Job Title, Tenure Home, Rank Description, and Contract Issue Date.

15. Step 15

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If necessary, scroll to the right to view additional columns, including Contract Begin Date, Contract End Date, Starting Salary, Starting Supplement Pay, Mid Year Salary, Mid Year Supplement Pay, and Total Compensation.