All workcenters are arranged in the same tabs and pagelets. The links provided are intended to help you navigate through "a day in the life of a Business Manager." The queries and links are provided to easily find outstanding transactions that are not moving through the process as they should.
First, log into the OneUSG Connect.
From the OneUSG connect homepage, click the Business Management Workcenter tile.
The Business Management Workcenter Main tab is displayed.
The left side of the Workcenter page is called the pagelet area.
There are two tabs, Main and Reports/Queries, with two pagelets on each.
The right side of the page is the transaction area. This is the area where you will work on your selected tasks.
To collapse the My Work secion, click the My Work kebab button
Note : Links may be added here at a later time.
Click the Minimize option.
The Links menu includes links to other pages for viewing data. You can use these links to view related transactions and their statuses.
Note : Additional queries may be added at a later time.
From the displayed links, choose the appropriate hyperlink for the information you wish to view.
Example shown here: Create/Update Journal Entries link.
To expand the work area, click the Collapse arrow to the right of the Business Management Workcenter header.
After you have reviewed the information on any of the linked pages, you can expand the menu section to complete your next task.
Click the Expand arrow in the upper left corner.
To run a query, click the Reports/Queries tab.
The Reports/Queries tab is displayed and contains two sections containing information related to Travel Authorizations and Expense Reports
Hovering over the Resize Workcenter Pagelet button between the pagelets activates your cursor into a double-sided arrow. This allows you to click and resize the pagelet to show more or less of the available options.
Click the link for the appropriate query.
Example shown here: Entry - Pending User Submission link.
The parameters page for the selected query are displayed.
This page shows the required search parameters (above the View Results button) to enter.
The displayed header contains the related information generated when you run the query. .
The percent sign (%) in a required parameter field indicates a wildcard. You can use this sign to search using partial information.
Note : Using the wildcard (%) alone will return all available results and can cause system issues for large data sets.
Click the View Results button to run the query.
The results for the selected query are displayed.
You can download the results into other programs for analysis by clicking on the hyperlinks shown.
Additional Information:
The progression of a transaction includes some common steps for all types.
The Links are provided to view pages that allow you to look at the entry or view pages for original transactions to look for any problems that are blocking completion. For example, you can review ChartFields, chartstring combination and the approval flow map.
Queries are provided to further monitor activity for specific departments to take a quick look at the status to see what is not moving forward.
Reports may be added to provide additional information to analyze any errors that you find.