Searching for a Supplier


You can look up supplier records to find Supplier IDs or additional supplier information if you have the UGA AP Dist Jrnl Voucher role in the UGA Financial Management System. 


In this article, you will learn how to search for supplier information within the UGA Business Management Workcenter.

This is helpful if you need to find a Supplier ID.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Financial Management System.

On the Employee Self Service page, click the Employee Self Service dropdown.

2. Step 2

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Click the UGA Financials link.

3. Step 3

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The UGA Financials page is displayed.

You can access supplier information in the Links section on the left side of your screen, under Suppliers and Vouchers.

Click the Business Management Workcenter tile.

4. Step 4

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The Business Management Workcenter is displayed.

Click the Review Suppliers link. 

5. Step 5

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The Review Suppliers page is displayed. You can search for a supplier using one or more of the search criteria.

Additional fields are available if you scroll to the right.

Click the Address dropdown list to the left of the Address field.

Example shown here: search for a supplier using an address.

6. Step 6

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To search by address, you want to use a broad search that will pull up all possible results. 

Click the Contains option to search by partial address.

7. Step 7

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Enter appropriate information into the Address field.  

Example shown here: " 513 West ".

8. Step 8

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Click the Search button.

9. Step 9

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The Search Results are displayed. Each result contains the Supplier ID, Supplier Name, Short Name, and Address.

You can change your screen to more easily view the information.

Click the Search Zoom icon.

10. Step 10

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Click the Zoom Search Results link

11. Step 11

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The simplified view of the search results is displayed. Scroll down or to the right to view additional information.

When you locate the appropriate supplier, click the entry's Actions link.

Example shown here: Actions link for the first entry.

12. Step 12

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Click the Maintain Supplier option.

13. Step 13

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The Supplier Summary page is displayed. You can view the Supplier ID, Short Name, Order Address, Remit To Address, and Status.

Click the Address tab.

14. Step 14

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The Identifying Information page is displayed. 

Click the Address tab.


15. Step 15

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The address page is displayed.

Click the Contacts tab. 

16. Step 16

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The Supplier Contacts page is displayed. You can view the address, contact name, and phone numbers associated with the supplier.

Click the Location tab.

17. Step 17

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The Location page is displayed. 

Click the Custom tab.

18. Step 18

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The Customs page is displayed. You can view any related customs information.

Additional Information:

Some things to consider when using this tool:

  • Not all search fields are required when performing a search. When searching for a business, sometimes less is more. Switching the search criteria to "contains" and limiting your search can help. For example, when searching for a supplier invoiced as "Holiday Inn - 513 West Broad Street  Athens, GA  30601," change the dropdown to "contains" and simply type "513 w" in the address field and click search. This will present a list of suppliers with "513 W" in the address. In this example, you can identify Holiday Inn's legal supplier name is "Motel Enterprises."
  • On the Maintain Supplier Summary page, if a supplier is marked as "Yes" in the Open for Ordering field, then they have selected to receive Purchase Orders and will be available in the UGAmart system. If they are marked as "No," then the supplier opted to not receive Purchase Orders while registering. If this needs to change, the supplier would need to email with their Supplier ID stating they would like to receive POs.
  • If provided, using a business' Tax ID number in the ID Type search field is the best way to verify if a particular business has registered and been approved. The query UGA_AP_SUPPL_REGISTR_STATUS can be used to check registrations pending approval.

Tutorial Resources

Supplier Does Business As (DBA) Name List

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