Using BSR 2.x Features


The Budget Status Report 2.x provides several useful features and ways to view the data. This tutorial walks you through the functionality of the report, including how to share reports, how to view different levels of the account tree, and how to drill into the data.

The OIR homepage can be accessed at and you can reach the report using the Operational Reports link. You can also access the report at


  1. Step 1: The Summary by Department, Fund, and Account page is displayed. 
    From this page, you can set your filter parameters.
  2. Step 2: To undo the last action taken in the report, click the Undo menu option.
  3. Step 3: To redo an action after it has been undone, click the Redo menu option.
  4. Step 4: To reset the selected filters and settings, click the Revert menu option.
  5. Step 5: Both the Refresh and the Pause menu options are not utilized at this time. Please refrain from selecting these options.
  6. Step 6: To save or select custom views of the Budget Status Report, click the View: Original menu option.
  7. Step 7: The Custom Views dialog box is displayed. Enter an appropriate name for your saved view into the Name this view field.
  8. Step 8: To select this custom view as the default view when opening the Budget Status Report, click the Make it my default checkbox.
  9. Step 9: Once you enter a name for the custom view and decide whether or not to select it as your default, click the Save button.
  10. Step 10: To generate a link to share with others, click the Share menu option.
  11. Step 11: The Share dialogue box is displayed. You can copy and paste an Embed Code to a webpage and/or copy a URL to share with others.
  12. Step 12: To send a copy of the view or report via email, click the Subscribe menu option.
  13. Step 13: The Subscribe dialogue box is displayed. Choose the appropriate view and schedule upon which to receive a copy of the report to your inbox.
  14. Step 14: The Alerts menu option is currently not available. A side menu will appear on the left side of the screen, but you will be unable to set up any alerts.
  15. Step 15: To download a copy of your current view, click the Download menu option.
  16. Step 16: The Download dialogue box is displayed. Choose the appropriate option from the six different available formats (Image, Data, Crosstab, PDF, PowerPoint, or Tableau Workbook).
  17. Step 17: To switch the view to full screen mode, click the Full Screen menu option. Press the [Esc] to exit full screen mode.
  18. Step 18: To view one or more specific department, click the Department filter drop-down list.
  19. Step 19: The Department ID list is displayed. To easily locate the Department ID, enter the partial or complete Department ID into the search box.
  20. Step 20: The Budget Status Report can be used to view different Budget References and Fiscal Years. 
  21. Step 21: To further filter the report, you can select appropriate account codes in the UGAACCTTREE Level02 - 04 fields to filter at various levels.
  22. Step 22: In addition to being able to filter by department, budget reference, and account codes, you can also filter by ChartField1 by entering appropriate information into the Chartfield1 ID Descr field.
  23. Step 23: To view the account code information in more detail on the summary screen, click the Expand [+] button beside the UGAACCTTREE Level02 column.
  24. Step 24: The UGAACCTTREE Level03 column is displayed. You can view detailed budget status information for each level.
  25. Step 25: To close the detailed budget status information about UGAACCTTREE Level03, click the Close [-] button beside the UGAACCTTREE Level02 field.
  26. Step 26: To activate a menu with additional actions, you can click on the data, such as the Account Code.
  27. Step 27: A pop-up box is displayed. From this pop-up, you can choose to only keep the appropriate line(s)
  28. Step 28: The Fund Attribute Total row displays the sum of all the funds that fall into the attribute category.
  29. Step 29: The Fund Total row displays the sum of the individual fund.
  30. Step 30: The Department Total row displays the sum of all funds and fund attributes for the selected department(s).
  31. Step 31: To navigate to the Details page, click the Detail-Dept-Fund-Acct tab.
  32. Step 32: The Details page is displayed.  Click the Expand [+] button beside the UGAACCTTREE Level02 field to expand the account tree levels.
  33. Step 33: To expand the account tree to show individual account codes, click the Expand [+] button beside the UGAACCTTREE Level03 field.
  34. Step 34: Collapse the account tree by one or more levels by clicking the Close [-] button next to the appropriate UGAACCTTREE column.
  35. Step 35: To activate the additional actions menu for an entire column, click the appropriate column header.
  36. Step 36: A pop-up box is displayed. From this pop-up, choose to only keep the selected column, exclude the column, or navigate to the transaction list for the values in the selected column.
  37. Step 37: If you exclude a column and want to make it visible again, click the Undo menu option.
  38. Step 38: To only include the selected column, activate the menu and click the Keep Only option.
  39. Step 39: All columns to the right of the selected column are no longer displayed. To display these columns once more, click the Undo menu option.
  40. Step 40: All the columns are displayed once more. To drill down through the Details page, click any value (not column header) in the table to activate a pop-up box.
  41. Step 41: To view the transaction list for the selected amount, click the Go to Transaction List link within the pop-up box.
  42. Step 42: The Transaction List page for the selected amount is displayed.

In this article, you will learn the features offered within the Budget Status Report as well as some tips and tricks to assist you as you use the report.

This article uses the Budget Status Report by Department, Fund, and Account but the tips can be applied to any Budget Status Report view.

1. Step 1

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The Summary by Department, Fund, and Account page is displayed. This is the first page that you will see upon opening the Budget Status Report.

From this page, you can set your filter parameters.

2. Step 2

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To undo the last action taken in the report, click the Undo menu option.

3. Step 3

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To redo an action after it has been undone, click the Redo menu option.

4. Step 4

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To reset the selected filters and settings, click the Revert menu option.

5. Step 5

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Both the Refresh and the Pause menu options are not utilized at this time. Please refrain from selecting these options.

6. Step 6

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The BSR allows you to create custom views of the data so that you can review the data you need.

To save or select custom views of the Budget Status Report, click the View: Original menu option.

7. Step 7

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The Custom Views dialog box is displayed.

Enter an appropriate name for your saved view into the Name this view field.

Example shown here: " DFA View 1 " in the Name this view field.

8. Step 8

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To select this custom view as the default view when opening the Budget Status Report, click the Make it my default checkbox.

9. Step 9

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Once you enter a name for the custom view and decide whether or not to select it as your default, click the Save button.

10. Step 10

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To generate a link to share with others, click the Share menu option.

11. Step 11

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The Share dialogue box is displayed. You can copy and paste an Embed Code to a webpage and/or copy a URL to share with others.

12. Step 12

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To send a copy of the view or report via email, click the Subscribe menu option.

13. Step 13

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The Subscribe dialogue box is displayed.

You can choose the view and schedule upon which to receive a copy of the report to your inbox.

14. Step 14

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The Alerts menu option is currently not available. A side menu will appear on the left side of the screen, but you will be unable to set up any alerts.

15. Step 15

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To download a copy of your current view, click the Download menu option.

16. Step 16

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The Download dialogue box is displayed. Choose the appropriate option from the six different available formats (Image, Data, Crosstab, PDF, PowerPoint, or Tableau Workbook).

Note: If you wish to view the report in an Excel Spreadsheet, select the Crosstab option.

17. Step 17

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To switch the view to full screen mode, click the Full Screen menu option.

Press the [Esc] to exit full screen mode.

18. Step 18

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To view one or more specific department, click the Department filter drop-down list.

19. Step 19

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The Department ID list is displayed.

To easily locate the Department ID, enter the partial or complete Department ID into the search box. You can also type in the first couple of digits and the * symbol (wild card) to only pull up departments that begin with the entered digits.

You can select more than department if needed.

20. Step 20

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The Budget Status Report can be used to view different Budget References and Fiscal Years . These fields should always contain the same value.

Note: Budget Reference is the same concept as Fiscal Year.

21. Step 21

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To further filter the report, you can select appropriate account codes in the UGAACCTTREE Level02 - 04 fields to filter at various levels.

22. Step 22

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In addition to being able to filter by department, budget reference, and account codes, you can also filter by ChartField1 by entering appropriate information into the Chartfield1 ID Descr field..

23. Step 23

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To view the account code information in more detail on the summary screen, click the Expand [+] button beside the UGAACCTTREE Level02 column.

24. Step 24

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The UGAACCTTREE Level03 column is displayed. You can view detailed budget status information for each level.

25. Step 25

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To close the detailed budget status information about UGAACCTTREE Level03, click the Close [-] button beside the UGAACCTTREE Level02 field.

26. Step 26

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To activate a menu with additional actions, you can click on the data, such as the Account Code.

Example shown here: 500000 - Personal Services Expense Account Code.

27. Step 27

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A pop-up box is displayed. From this pop-up, you can choose to only keep the selected line(s), exclude the selected line(s), navigate to the details tab, or navigate to the transaction list for the selected line(s).

28. Step 28

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The Fund Attribute Total row displays the sum of all the funds that fall into the attribute category.

Example shown here: The selected fund attribute is Allocation .

29. Step 29

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The Fund Total row displays the sum of the individual fund.

Example shown here: The selected fund is Tuition (10500).

30. Step 30

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The Department Total row displays the sum of all funds and fund attributes for the selected department(s).

31. Step 31

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To navigate to the Details page, click the  Detail-Dept-Fund-Acct  tab.

Note: You can navigate to this page with or without a fund or account code selected.

32. Step 32

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The Details page is displayed. From this page, you can expand the account tree (UGAACCTTREE) from levels 2 to 4.

Click the Expand [+] button beside the UGAACCTTREE Level02 field to expand the account tree levels.

33. Step 33

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To expand the account tree to show individual account codes, click the Expand [+] button beside the UGAACCTTREE Level03 field.

34. Step 34

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Collapse the account tree by one or more levels by clicking the Close [-]   button next to the appropriate UGAACCTTREE column.

35. Step 35

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To activate the additional actions menu for an entire column, click the appropriate column header.

Example shown here: Current Year Estimated column.

36. Step 36

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A pop-up box is displayed. From this pop-up, you can choose to only keep the selected column, exclude the column, or navigate to the transaction list for the values in the selected column.

Example shown here: Exclude option.

37. Step 37

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If you exclude a column and want to make it visible again, click the Undo menu option.

38. Step 38

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To only include the selected column, activate the menu and click the Keep Only option.

39. Step 39

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All columns to the right of the selected column are no longer displayed.

To display these columns once more, click the Undo menu option.

40. Step 40

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All the columns are displayed once more.

To drill down through the Details page, click any value (not column header) in the table to activate a pop-up box.

41. Step 41

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To view the transaction list for the selected amount, click the Go to Transaction List link within the pop-up box.

42. Step 42

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The Transaction List page for the selected amount is displayed.

Note: The UGA Reference column will pull in the name of the employee associated with expense reports and the UGAmart purchase order number.