Clearing a Cash Advance

To properly clear an advance, complete and submit an approved Advance Clearing Request form along with original receipts including all applicable state taxes. Note: The Foundation is not tax exempt from sales tax from the state of Georgia. Please see policy 8.17 regarding tax obligations relating to Foundation activities. If the advance is for entertainment, then an Entertainment form must also be submitted. If the advance is for travel, then a print out of the University of Georgia Travel Expense Statement must be submitted along with the Advance Clearing Request form. All advances must be cleared by presenting original receipts. If costs are less than the amount advanced, a refund should be submitted. If the Advance was insufficient to cover the costs incurred, then the difference should be requested via a check request to reimburse the employee.

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Article ID: 155934
Fri 5/26/23 2:05 PM
Fri 5/26/23 2:05 PM