
Advances may be made for travel, registration fees and some entertainment expenses under certain restrictions. Entertainment advances should be rare and occasional and will be approved on a case by case basis. Advances apply only to Foundation accounts and not those of the University of Georgia. Advances should be reconciled within 30 days of the individual’s return from designated travel or after the entertainment event has taken place. Since advances are for the convenience and benefit of the employee, no additional advances will be made to employees who have an outstanding advance. the Foundation reserves the right to deny any employee further advances due to not following policy such as being late on clearing advances, not providing proper documentation or using an advance for reasons other than stated on the original request.

Advances may never be used to pay for professional services (contractors, consultants, honorariums, etc.) which are considered third party payments. Entertainment advances may not be requested for multiple events. Whenever possible, the unit/department should seek to obtain direct billing/invoicing from vendors.

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Article ID: 155932
Fri 5/26/23 2:04 PM
Fri 5/26/23 2:04 PM