General Procedure for Processing Check Requests

To comply with the Internal Revenue Code and its Articles of Incorporation, the University of Georgia Foundation and any individual funds therein must be organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of the University with no part of its net earnings benefiting any private individual.

Each Vice President, Dean, and Director is responsible for insuring that the expenditures adhere to the purpose of the fund. It is extremely important that the fund purpose be followed in compliance with the donors’ intent, the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation. If the Vice President, Dean and Director determine this responsibility can be delegated to a University employee within their respective unit, then written documentation making this request should be forwarded to The University of Georgia Foundation and approved by the Chief Financial Officer prior to implementation.

The President of the University has specific policies and procedures to which that office should adhere. Those policies and procedures are maintained as a separate document in The University of Georgia Foundation. All disbursements initiated by the President must be signed by him/her and approved by the President’s Chief of Staff.

With certain exceptions, The University of Georgia Foundation funds are to be expended under the same guidelines as University of Georgia funds. University of Georgia spending guidelines are therefore considered an integral part of this manual, except as modified herein. The Foundation’s Expenditure Control staff is responsible for ensuring that all required supporting documents have been presented, that the appropriate funds are available for such payments, and that the obligations are paid on a timely basis.

ORIGINAL invoices, receipts and receiving reports must be promptly submitted as supporting documentation with a Foundation check request payable to the appropriate vendor. Photocopies and carbon copies of invoices, receiving reports, receipts, and other supporting documentation increase the risk of duplicate payments. For electronic processing, the Foundation will accept legible scans of original invoices, receipts and receiving reports. Payments are to be made promptly to take advantage of discount terms when applicable. In rare cases when an employee has misplaced or lost the original receipt, a signed statement by the employee stating the nature and description of the expenditure for which (s)he is requesting reimbursement can be accepted. Reimbursements will be made directly to the employee; no payments will be made to credit card companies on behalf of an individual or a UGA School/College/Unit. Loose receipts should be taped instead of stapled. Requestors should limit each paper check request to 15 line items due to check writing procedures.

The Foundation is not exempt from Georgia sales/use tax. All invoices and receipts should include applicable sales tax. See policy 8.17 for further information.

The Foundation does require an IRS W-9 form on all vendors and individuals who are non-UGA employees when payment is requested. This is to comply with federal reporting guidelines. Check requests should be payable directly to the vendor or employee requesting payment or reimbursement.

Third Party Payments

Third party payment occurs when an individual is reimbursed for previous payment to a business or person for goods or services. Most vendors will bill the Foundation directly either before or after the receipt of goods or services. In rare situations when a person or vendor will not bill the Foundation directly, a third party payment may be the only means for conducting business. When a third party payment is made, the Foundation will require that the person or business providing the good or services complete an IRS W-9 form to comply with IRS regulations for miscellaneous income reporting.

Interest, late charges and/or finance charges on payments to vendors due to delinquent submission of check requests should not be paid with Foundation funds. It is the responsibility of each unit/department to insure requests are forwarded to the Foundation in time to allow for processing without incurring such charges.

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Article ID: 155905
Fri 5/26/23 1:40 PM
Fri 5/26/23 1:40 PM