Using Microsoft 365 Groups


This article discusses using Microsoft Groups and the components available within the group.


Microsoft 365 groups are a collaborative feature within UGAMail that enables customers to access shared versions of the following:

  • Shared Inbox
  • Shared Files Library
  • Shared Calendar
  • Shared OneNote

Shared inbox

Each group contains a shared inbox, which is accessible to all group members. This shared inbox is fully searchable, so it creates a living archive of the group's messages. Newcomers to the group can search or scroll back through the history to get up to speed quickly on what has been posted in the group previously.

Messages addressed to the group's common email address will be delivered to this inbox. Members of the group can elect to have group messages appear in their personal inbox by subscribing to the group via email.

Additional Information on the Microsoft 365 Group’s Shared Inbox can be found at: Have a group conversation in Outlook.

Shared files library

Your group has a file library where your members can store, share, and collaborate on documents, workbooks, presentations, images, or any other kind of file they need to work on.

Files stored in the group's file library can be edited via Microsoft Office desktop products as well as with Office Online products. These files have version control, which will track all changes made and offer the option to recover previous versions. Group libraries can also be shared with users external to the group.

Additional Information on Office 365's Shared files library can be found at: Share group files in Outlook.

Shared calendar

Each group owns a shared calendar to post events related to the group. Each member who has subscribed to the group is automatically invited to events posted to the calendar so those events can also appear on their personal calendars if they wish. 

Group calendars can be shared with users external to the group.

Additional Information on Microsoft 365 Group's Shared calendar can be found at: Schedule a meeting on a group calendar in Outlook.

Shared OneNote Notebook

The group automatically has a shared OneNote notebook where group members can collect and collaborate on information. The notebook is shared with all group members and updated in real-time, so colleagues can collaborate remotely.

To access your shared OneNote notebook, select the Notebook button located on the top navigation bar in the group's view.

Guest access

With Groups, you can offer guests not in your Group access to email conversations, files and even the shared OneNote notebook.

Additional Information on Microsoft 365's guest access can be found at: Adding guests to Microsoft 365 Groups.




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