- Provides guidance on the performance of financial review and reconciliation
- Accounts reconciliations performed monthly and sufficient documentation maintained to support account balances
Why are these the best practices? |
- To ensure that accounts are reconciled in a timely manner and contain adequate documentation of expenses and revenues
Figure: Understanding how to identify and resolve discrepancies for account reconciliations.
B. Financial Analysis - Fluctuation/Variance Analysis
- Perform fluctuation/variance reviews/analysis (monthly or quarterly) using appropriate thresholds and perform reviews on fluctuations (current year over prior year actuals; YTD/MTD and Actual over Budget fluctuations) exceeding thresholds, documenting explanations for those accounts exceeding thresholds. Preparer and reviewer to be assigned by CBO/business office.
- Useful UGA Financials Queries:
- UGA_GL_TRIAL_BALANCE: Provides summarized actual amounts by each ChartField combination within selected fiscal year, accounting period, and ledger. Useful for any kind of account, including assets, liabilities, fund balance, revenue, and expense accounts.
- UGA_GL_TRIAL_BAL_ACCT_FUND: Provides summarized actual amounts by account and fund within selected fiscal year, accounting period, and ledger. Useful for any kind of account, including assets, liabilities, and fund balance, revenue and expense accounts.
- UGA_GL_TRIAL_BAL_DEPT_FND_ACCT: Provides summarized actual amounts by Department, Fund, and Account within selected fiscal year, accounting period, and ledger. Useful for any kind of account, including assets, liabilities, and fund balance, revenue and expense accounts.
- UGA_GL_Transactions: All Actual transactions for selection
- UGA_KK_DEPT_EXP_REV_BALS: Departmental budget balances - both revenue and expenses (includes current budget, encumbrances, actual expenditures and remaining budget balance)
Policy and Other Requirements |
Contributed by Lisa Catanese
Last updated 03/03/2020