Scroll down to view data in the Actuals column (Column D). The Cube shows Actual Payroll totals by Pay Date. For each pay date, it shows the Actuals by Paygroup, Employee, and Employee funding (Fund/Dept ID/Account Code).
Additional Information:
Note: Currently, you must drill through on the Budget Amount of Encumbrance Amount fields. Drill through is not available on calculated fields like Actual Amount. However, drill through returns all values for the entire row related to Budget, Encumbrance, and Actuals.
Data in the Data Warehouse gets refreshed nightly. A best practice is to review filters on a regular basis to ensure you are pulling any new data your existing filters may exclude. Occasionally, new data elements are added which may create users impacts, requiring adjustmnts to repopulate data.
Tutorial Resources
Quick Start to the Position Funding Cube
Cube Field Definitions Quick Reference Guide
How to Use a Cube
Lynda.com Training Resources