Creating a New Entry in the Enhancements & Release Notes Roadmap


In this article, you will learn the steps to create an enhancement request in the Enhancements & Release Notes Roadmap.



Authorized users are able to create a new enhancement request from the Enhancements homepage, filling out a form to submit the request.

For other users, please submit enhancement requests to the OneSource Service Desk at


Tutorial Resources

Enhancements & Release Notes Job Aid


  1. Step 1: The Enhancements homepage is displayed.
  2. Step 2: Click the Add a new entry link.
  3. Step 3: The Add Enhancement page is displayed.
  4. Step 4: Click the Responsible Group drop-down list.
  5. Step 5: Select the appropriate unit from the list.
  6. Step 6: Keep the Status field set to Newly Requested.
  7. Step 7: Click the Category drop-down list.
  8. Step 8: Select the appropriate functional area from the list.
  9. Step 9: Click the Sub-Category drop-down list.
  10. Step 10: Click the appropriate sub-category from the list.
  11. Step 11: Enter an appropriate identifier for the enhancement request into the Ticket ID field.
  12. Step 12: Navigate the calendar to select the appropriate date.
  13. Step 13: Make sure to leave the Release Date (Completed) field empty.
  14. Step 14: Enter an appropriate explanation for your request in the Description field.
  15. Step 15: Click the Add Record button.

In this article, you will learn the steps to create an enhancement request in the Enhancements & Release Notes Roadmap.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Office of Institutional Research page.

The Enhancements homepage is displayed. From this page, you can review current enhancement requests by system, functional team, or status.

2. Step 2

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At the bottom of the page, click the Add a new entry link.

3. Step 3

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The Add Enhancement page is displayed.

The steps that follow will show you how to complete the fields required to create an enhancement request.

4. Step 4

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The Responsible Group field is a drop-down list where you designate what system and corresponding unit will receive the request.

Click the Responsible Group drop-down list.

5. Step 5

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Select the appropriate unit from the list.

Example shown here: OneSource .

6. Step 6

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The Status field reflects the current state of the request. This field will be manually updated as it is reviewed by the appropriate parties.

Since you are creating a new request, keep the Status field set to Newly Requested.

Note: Items with a status of Newly Requested are not visible to the public. They become visible on the Enhancements Roadmap once items are moved to the Under Review status.

7. Step 7

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The Category field is a drop-down list that designates the functional area relevant to the request. This information is used to determine which functional team is best suited to review the request.

Click the Category drop-down list.

8. Step 8

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Select the appropriate functional area from the list.

Example shown here: select Human Resources.

9. Step 9

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The Sub-Category field is an optional, but highly recommended, field that helps narrow the functionality that the created request will affect.

Click the Sub-Category drop-down list.

10. Step 10

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The options in the list are filtered to display only the functionality in the category you selected above.

Click the appropriate sub-category from the list.

Example shown here: Workforce Admin (HR) .

11. Step 11

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Enter an appropriate identifier for the enhancement request into the Ticket ID field. This identifier should come from the originating ticket system (i.e. TeamDynamix).

If there is no ticket ID, include the name of the person making the request in the Internal Notes field.

Example shown here: "TD12345678".

12. Step 12

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If appropriate, you can set a Target Date for the release of the enhancement request. In many cases, enhancement requests will not have a target date when initially entered, unless you are entering an item that is already tentatively scheduled for release.

Upon clicking the Target Date field, a calendar pop-up box is displayed. Navigate the calendar to select the appropriate date.

Note: The Target Date is a best estimate and is subject to change.

13. Step 13

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Make sure to leave the Release Date (Completed) field empty when creating an enhancement request, unless you are retroactively adding an entry already released.

14. Step 14

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Enter an appropriate explanation for your request in the Description field. Be as concise as possible regarding the details of your request.

15. Step 15

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With the appropriate information provided, click the Add Record button.



Article ID: 151426
Sun 9/25/22 10:05 AM
Fri 1/5/24 5:19 PM