You can run a query in the UGA Financial Management System to find project budgets, expenditures, actuals, and balances. This query runs from the Commitment Control (KK) ledger and shows anything that has passed budget check, even if the transactions have not fully posted or completed all workflow steps. The query name is UGA_KK_PROJECT_BUDGET_BALANCE.
In this article, you will learn the steps to run a query to view your project budget balances. The query name is UGA_KK_PROJECT_BUDGET_BALANCE.
See also: Project Status Report (PSR) Lite and Project Status Report under Operational Reports > Project Status tab.
First, log into the Financial Management System.
Click the drop-down button next to the Employee Self Service menu.
Click the UGA Financials link.
Click the Query Viewer tile.
The Query Viewer page is displayed.
To find the query, enter the query name into the begins with field: UGA_KK_PROJECT_BUDGET_BALANCE .
Click the Search button.
The searched query is displayed.
Click the HTML link to open as a webpage.
You can use the search criteria displayed here to view budget balances of specific Projects, Departments, Funds, Classes, Programs, and ChartFields.
Optional, Enter the appropriate information into the PC Bus Unit .
Example shown here: 180.
To search budget balance of a specific department, enter the department number into the Dept field. You can use the percent sign to do a wildcard search if needed.
Example shown here: " 510%.
Leave the rest of the fields as displayed.
Click the View Results button.
The searched result is displayed. You can scroll to the right of the page to view additional fields.
Note: Data has been masked to protect employee information.
Click the Excel SpreadSheet link to download the data into an Excel file.
Click the Open button.
The Excel file is displayed. You can filter through the columns to view project budget balance information by project and department.
Scroll to the right to view additional information, including project budget, encumbrances, expenditures, and budget balance.