With the Distr Ex Mgr role, you have the ability to go in and cancel approved Travel Authorizations. This action is required when the Travel Authorization has been fully approved and the travel is postponed. You can NOT delete an approved TA.
This article will walk you through the steps to cancel a Travel Authorization as a distributed expense manager.
First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.
On the Employee Self Service page, click the NavBar button.
Within the NavBar menu, click the Menu button.
Within the Navigator menu, click the Travel and Expenses menu.
The Cancel Travel Authorization search page is displayed. You can search for an employee using Empl ID or by Name.
To search for Travel Authorizations, enter the appropriate information into the Empl ID, Name field or click the Search Button.
Example shown here: Search Button.
The searched results are displayed
Choose the appropriate person for whom you would like to cancel an approved Travel Authorization.
Example Shown here: Nightengale, David
A list of search results are displayed. To select a travel authorization, click the appropriate checkbox.
Example shown here: NASA Conference Travel Authorization.
A confirmation message is displayed.
Click the OK button.
The search results list is displayed once again. The canceled Travel Authorization is no longer visible.