In this article, you will learn to set up email rules to forward your emails in Outlook mail to another recipient.
Email rules could be helpful if you want to notify a delegate, spend approver, business manager, etc. by forwarding system notification emails to additional recipients.
Note: This article uses the example of forwarding expense report denials and send backs to a delegate.
The created rule is displayed on the Rules main page. This includes a written version of the action taken when the rule conditions are met.
Additional Information:
When a transaction moves through the UGA Financial Management System, you will receive a system generated message. The subject line will include the transaction type and its status, and the body of the email will include detailed transaction information. The combination of information in the subject line and identifiable components in the main body are used to create the email forwarding rule.
The list below indicates the subject lines sent by UGA Financials when notifying for different transactions. You can use the subject lines below to set up your custom email rules.
AP Email Notification:
- Payment Request Put on Hold Email Notification
- Payment Request has been Denied Email Notification
- Approval Requested on a Payment Request Email Notification
- Payment Request is (fully) Approved Email Notification
- AP JV Final Approval Email Notification
Expenses Email Notifications:
- Expense Report Pending Approval at HR Supervisor Level
- Expense Report Pending Approval at Expense Manager Level
- Pushed Back Expense Report Email Notification
- Denied Expense Report Email Notification
- Expense Report Final Approval Email Notification