After employees submit their time, supervisors can approve time for punch time employees in the OneUSG Connect system.
In this article, you will learn the steps to approve an employee's punch time sheet in the OneUSG Connect system as a Supervisor.
First log into
From the Manager Self Service homepage in One USG Connect, click the Team Time tile.
The Team Time Page is displayed with options to search for the appropriate employee with time to approve.
Click the Filter button.
The Filters menu is displayed. Enter the appropriate information in the available search field(s).
Example shown here: enter "4064255" into the Employee ID field.
From the returned results, select the appropriate employee.
Click the Done button.
The Team Time page is displayed with the searched employee.
Choose the appropriate employee from the Name/Time field and hit Select.
The Timesheet for the selected employee is displayed. If necessary, scroll to view additional information.
To approve the selected employee's time, choose the appropriate day(s) from the Day Summary column, or click the Select All checkbox.
Example shown here: click the Select All checkbox.
Scroll down and click the Approve button.
A confirmation notice for your action is displayed.
Click the Yes button.
A confirmation message is displayed that the Timesheet is approved for the selected period.