Resolving Budget Transaction Errors (Last Updated: 5/22/2019)
If the errors are Budget Exceptions, a credit (negative) on the entry is reducing a chartstring budget to a negative number.
These are some hints that will help you address budget Transaction errors:
- Refer to Budgeting Revenues and Expenditures – Guidelines by Fund for information about what budget transactions are allowable or required by fund.
- Budget Transactions can either be Expenditure Budget Transactions or Revenue Budget Transactions. Expenditure Budget Transactions are on the DEPT_CHILD ledger and use only accounts 500000 and above. Revenue Budget Transactions are on the DEPT_REV ledger and use only accounts 400000-499999.
- Revenue and Expenditure Budget Transactions cannot be combined onto one Transaction.
- Budget cannot be moved from one Fund to another.
- Budget transactions should be in whole dollars, unless you are moving funds related to Carryforward.
- The Budget Reference on all lines must be the current Fiscal/Budget Year.
- Projects can not be used on Budget Transactions. Project Budgets are established through the Grants Module.
- The class code used must be appropriate for the Fund used. Refer to the Chart of Accounts Code Structure