Additional Information:
Prior to contacting a customer or completing an action, the collector can use the Collections Workbench to review a customer's history, such as the average days it takes a customer to pay, the number of days the balance is outstanding, any past due balances, and any previous broken promises. With this information at hand, the collector can contact the customer and hopefully, work out a plan for payment. If the customer does not make a commitment to pay, the collector can use the Collections Workbench to place the customer on credit hold and add an action to follow up in a specified number of days. If the customer agrees to pay within a certain number of days and does not pay, the collector can use the Collections Workbench to send a dunning letter. The collector can continue to follow up with the customer, and, after reviewing several broken promises, can use the Collections Workbench to mark the customer in collections and refer the customer to a collection agency.