Employees can edit a canceled absence request that was previously submitted/approved. This is done via the View Absence Request tile in OneUSG Connect.
Note: A request must first be in canceled status to be edited.
In this article, you learn the steps to cancel and edit a submitted/approved absence request in OneUSG Connect.
First, log into OneUSG Connect.
On the Employee Self Service homepage page in OneUSG Connect, click the Time and Absence tile.
The Time page is displayed.
Click the Cancel Absence tile.
The Cancel Absences page is displayed with a list of absence requests from the past 90 days and into the future 90 days.
Select the appropriate absence request to cancel.
Note : To view an expanded history of your leave requests, use the Filter button.
The selected Absence Details are displayed.
Click the Cancel Absence button.
A message is displayed, confirming your decision to cancel the absence request.
Click the Yes button.
A confirmation message is displayed stating the absence request is canceled successfully along with a Status of Cancelled.
To edit the request, click the Home button.
The Employee Self Service homepage page is displayed.
Click the Time and Absence tile.
Click the View Absence Requests tile.
The View Requests page is displayed with a list of absence requests from the past 90 days and 90 days into the future.
Select the appropriate absence request to edit.
The Request Absence page is displayed with the canceled absence details. You can modify the appropriate fields as needed.
Click the Partial Days button.
The Partial Days window is displayed.
Click the Partial Days drop-down list.
From the Partial Days list, select the appropriate option.
Note: If you are taking one day of leave, select either All Days or Start Day Only.
Example shown here: click the All Days option.
Enter the appropriate hours of leave for your partial day.
Example shown here: "1" into the Duration field.
Click the Done button.
Verify the appropriate field has been updated to reflect the leave you are requesting.
Click the Check Leave Balance button.
A message is displayed, indicating your eligibility for the requested amount of leave.
Click the OK button.
Click the Submit button.
A confirmation pop-up window is displayed.
To submit, click the Yes button.
A confirmation message is displayed stating the edited absence request submitted successfully along with a Status of submitted.