You can navigate the Links section within the Business Management Workcenter to review the status of supplier payments.
You can navigate the Links section within the Business Management Workcenter to search for and review any Supplier Payments.
First, log into the Financial Management System.
Click the Classic Home tile.
Navigate to the Business Management Workcenter using the following navigation:
Navigation: Main Menu > UGA > Business Management Workcenter
The Business Management Workcenter is displayed.
Within the Links section, click the Review Supplier Payments link.
Optional: To hide the side menu, click the Minimize button.
The Payment Inquiry page is displayed. From this page, you can search for payments by supplier name, payment date, payment status, and more.
To search for a payment by supplier, click the lookup magnifying glass next to the From Supplier Name 1 field.
The Look Up From Supplier Name 1 window is displayed.
To change how you search for payments, click the Advanced Lookup link.
Click the Search Operator dropdown list next to the appropriate search field.
The list displays alternative search operators. Click the appropriate search operator.
Enter appropriate information into the Supplier Name field.
Example shown here: " HEAD ".
Once you enter the information, click the Look Up button.
To select a supplier, click the appropriate Supplier Name link.
To search for a payment by payment date, click the Calendar button next to the From Payment Date field.
A calendar is displayed. Click the appropriate date.
To search by payment status, click the Payment Status list.
Click the appropriate payment status.
With the appropriate search criteria completed, click the Search button.
Optional: To hide the Search Criteria section to only see the search results, click the Collapse link.
The search results are displayed in the Payment Inquiry Results section.
To review the payment summary, click the appropriate Payment Reference ID .
Example shown here:1000002021 link.
The Vouchers For a Payment page is displayed. From this page, you can review banking information, supplier information, payment date and amount.
When done reviewing the summary, click the Back To Payment Inquiry link.
To further review the payment(s), click the Additional Info tab.
Additional information such as post status, cancel action, and description, is displayed in the Payment Inquiry Result section.
Use the scrollbar to review the remainder of the page.
To review the supplier information, click the Supplier Details tab.
The supplier name, ID, and full address are displayed.
To review the settlement status and information, click the Financial Gateway object.
Information regarding settlement is displayed.