Searching for Queries


In this article, you will learn ways to refine, sort, and export search results in the UGA Financial Management System.



One type of report used in the UGA Financial Management System is a query. Queries are created with the Query Manager in UGA Financials and placed on menus or WorkCenters for easy access. Once you run the query, you can download the results of the query into an Excel file or save as a *.csv or *.xml file for use with other programs.

This article shows you how to locate a query you may need using search terms and search operators, as well as how to navigate the search results list.

In this article, you will learn ways to refine, sort, and export search results in the UGA Financial Management System.

Note: Search functions shown in this tutorial will work with any PeopleSoft search.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Financial Management System.

From the UGA Financials homepage , click the Query Viewer tile.

2. Step 2

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The basic Query Viewer search page is displayed.

To begin searching for available queries, click the Search button.

3. Step 3

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All available matches are displayed below the criteria in a Search Results section. Search results are limited to the first 300 items. 

To further refine search results, click the Advanced Search link.

4. Step 4

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Additional search fields are displayed.

You can search by any individual field or a combination of fields. The default search filter is begins with and returns result that begin exactly as the criteria entered.

To search by Query Name , enter appropriate information into the Query Name field.

Example shown here: " ASSET ".

5. Step 5

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With your search criteria entered, click the Search button.

6. Step 6

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The Search Results section displays the results matching the search criteria.

The number of queries meeting the search criteria are displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the Query Table.

7. Step 7

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To select another filter, click the Query Name drop-down box.

8. Step 8

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The Query Name drop-down menu is displayed. 

Select a different search operator for your earch terms, such as:

begins with: returns all data that begins with the searched values

contains: returns all data that contains the searched values

not= : returns all items that do not contain the searched data.

Example shown here:  Results with the criteria anywhere in the Query Name field, click the contains option.

9. Step 9

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With your search criteria entered, click the Search button.

10. Step 10

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Results containing the entered criteria are displayed.

To view additional results, click the right arrow to scroll through additional page(s).

11. Step 11

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To return to prior page(s) of results, click the left arrow.

12. Step 12

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The Query table columns can be sorted in ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order. The default is ascending order of the first column , Query Name in this article.

To sort by another column, click the column header.

Example shown here: Description column header.

13. Step 13

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The search results are displayed in ascending order by the selected column. To sort in descending order, click the same column header.

Example shown here: Description column header.

14. Step 14

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The search results are displayed in the Query table. 

You can use the First and Last links to scroll to the first and last pages of the data.

15. Step 15

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By default, s earch results are displayed 30 items at a time. 

To view more items per page, click the View All link.

16. Step 16

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To view the Query table results alone , click the  Zoom Query icon.

17. Step 17

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The Query Viewer pop-up window is displayed allowing you to easily navigate the data. If necessary, scroll to the bottom of the page.

Click the Return button.

18. Step 18

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Search results can also be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. 

To export the data, click the Download Query Table to Excel icon.

19. Step 19

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Based on your browser, prompts may look different. Follow the system prompts to open or save the file.  

Example shown here: Open button.

20. Step 20

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Follow any additional security prompts to access the Excel file.

Example shown here: Yes button.

21. Step 21

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The Excel file opens in Protected Mode.

To edit the Excel file, click the Enable Editing button.

22. Step 22

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The Excel file is now editable. You can edit and sort the information as needed using the Excel commands.  




Article ID: 149378
Sat 9/24/22 11:12 PM
Fri 3/8/24 1:08 PM