After uploading a spreadsheet journal, you must edit the journal and correct any errors just as if you had entered it in the UGA Financial Management System.
Journals cannot be approved and posted until this finalizing step is complete.
Supporting documentation must be attached to all General Ledger Journals and should reflect the entry being made. A good rule of thumb is to include an electronic copy of what was used to create the journal entry. For intra-university charges (tickets), invoices should be attached that equal the revenue amount being credited. For correcting/moving a transaction, provide supporting documentation that shows where the transaction originally posted. Remember to be concise with journal entries and combine documents when reasonable; reviewing fewer documents can be helpful for your approvers! Documents included are also available during auditing and historical review. Examples of supporting documentation:
- UGA_GL_LEDGER_DETAIL query results can be included to show what transaction is being corrected/moved.
- Any analysis/spreadsheet that was used to determine the amounts included in the journal entry.
- Invoices and agreements for Intra-University charges.