Understanding Student Worker Summer Employment Status


Understanding Student Worker Summer Employment Status




UGA HR supports keeping student employees (paid hourly) in OneUSG Connect in an active status as a transitional step for this summer.

No action is needed for Student Worker Positions (paid hourly) that meet all of the following criteria:

  • Re-employed in the same position,
  • Re-employed in the same department, and
  • Receiving the same hourly rate

Note: This transitional solution would not work for any student employees who are paid on a monthly basis.

Important: If the departments/units choose to keep the student employees in an active status, it is important that the department/unit monitors to make sure student workers are not submitting time if they are not working. If a student employee who is not working submits time and the time is batch approved, the student could be paid for that time.


Associated Resources

Quick Guide: Student Worker Spring/Summer/Fall Work Scenarios 



Article ID: 148741
Sat 9/24/22 10:53 PM
Fri 1/5/24 5:04 PM