Updating Your Business Phone Number


Updating Your Business Phone Number




Employees:   To update your business phone number in OneUSG Connect and the UGA directory, please reach out to your unit’s HR representative(s) and request this update. Your unit HR will be responsible for validating this updated information. If you are unsure who to contact in this regard, please visit the OneSource Departmental Contacts page to identify the appropriate representative for your unit.


Dept/Unit HR Representative:  Upon properly validating the employee’s request and the phone number, submit an email to OneUSGSupport@uga.edu that includes:

  • Request to update Business Phone number
  • Employee’s Name
  • Employee’s EMPL ID
  • The new phone number

For example, "Please update the business phone number for Suzy Sample 1809999 to 7065420896."

Updating this phone type will then allow the phone number to be sent to UGA Active Directory and the change will be reflected in UGA systems, including People Search



Article ID: 148637
Sat 9/24/22 10:49 PM
Fri 1/5/24 5:04 PM