Correcting Invalid Funding Errors


Correcting Invalid Funding Errors




When you run the Invalid Funding Error report, positions that have errors in their funding will be listed along with the error that was encountered. It is your responsibility to correct these errors prior to the time that payroll runs. These corrections must be finalized (entered, approved and processed) one day prior to the "Time Detail and Adjustments to SSC" date on the payroll calendar for that particular payroll.

Some of the errors that you may encounter are listed below.

DBE funding does not exist or effect > pay end dt

This message indicates that there is no funding set up on the position or that the effective date of the position funding begins after the pay period ends.

To correct this error, you should:

  • Verify that funding exists for the position.
  • Check the funding on the position and compare the effective date with the pay period end date.
  • Make changes to the funding as needed.

Expenses will be posted to Department Suspense Proj Grant End Dt

This message indicates a problem with the end date for a grant.

To correct this error, you should:

  • Check with SPA Post-award to verify the end date for the grant and to see if there is an extension.
  • If the grant funding ends in the middle of the pay period, funding should be added to cover the remainder of the pay period and pay periods going forward.

Expenses will be posted to Department Suspense Fund End Dt

This message indicates an error in a fund end date for the transaction. One possible reason for this might be that changes did not flow correctly from the UGA Financial Management System to OneUSG Connect.

To correct this error, you should:

  • Check the funding end date.
  • Contact ( with the information about the pay period, the position number, and the HR department to correct the funding.  

Combo Code Not Active in Valid Combo Table

This message indicates that the combo code being used is inactivated.

To correct this error, you should:

  • Review the funding to verify the dates.
  • Determine if a new combo code is needed or whether the old one should be reactivated.
  • Use the form ( to request a new Combo Code, inactivate/reactivate a Combo Code, or modify the description of an existing Combo Code. Chartfields are unable to be modified; you can only modify the description of an existing Combo Code. See the topic for Requesting/Updating a Combo Code.

Expenses will be posted to Department Suspense - Fund Effective Date

This message indicates an error in a fund effective date for the transaction. One possible reason for this might be if a biweekly employee starts in the middle of the pay period, but the funding starts on their start date rather than on the first day of the pay period.

To correct this error, you should:

  • Fund positions as of the pay period begin date.
  • Note that a position itself may not have a begin date that coincides with the pay period begin date. A position cannot be funded before the position becomes effective.


Associated SOPs


SOP_CA_004 Invalid Funding Maintenance


SOP_CA_007 Suspense Correction



Article ID: 148561
Sat 9/24/22 10:47 PM
Fri 1/5/24 5:03 PM