Dashboard that analyzes the four modes of alumni engagement, communication, philanthropic, experimental, and volunteer.
You can focus on particular schools or colleges, as well as years of engagement, age ranges, class years, and regions, among other things.

This Dashboard focuses on the modes defined in the CASE Alumni Engagement Metrics (AEM) Survey which are as follows:
- Individual Giving
- Other - Such as 3rd Party Philinthropic Engagement
- Submitted Class Notes
- Self-Submitted Data Updates
- Responded to Alumni Survey
- Submitted Event Evaluation Form
- Call for Nomination Response
- Email Click Through
- Substantive Email and Phone Contacts
- Board Membership
- Volunteer Fundraiser
- Mentorship
- Classroom Speaker
- Interviewed for Alumni Profile
- Social Media Takeover
- Event Attendance
- Season Ticket Holders
- Substantive Contacts
- Joined Online Community