Event ROI Tools

Link to Dashboard

The Event ROI analytic tool allows you to view expenses, revenue generated, the number of registrants, and the number of attendants for any event. You can filter by site, fiscal year, or even specific dates to narrow your list of events. You can also click on any event name to navigate to its respective event page in GAIL.

You can view more granular details regarding the event revenue using the Event revenue analytic tool. This tool provides details on a specific event’s revenue and expenses. Like the other tool, you can filter the data by clicking on specific cells. This will reduce the table to only the records of interest, as well as update the totals to only account for the selected records.

Event ROI

Use the link provided at the top of this article to navigate to the dashboard in GAIL. It can also be found under Events > Fundraising events > Event ROI overview.

You can also view this dashboard here to get a better view.

Overview of Features

With this tool, you can:

  • Filter by site, fiscal year, and date range to look at a specific list of events. You can even select specific events by clicking the event cell.
  • View high-level metrics, including:
    • Total expenses
    • Registration gift total – This is the charitable portion baked into registrations.
    • Registration non-gift total – This is the benefits received.
    • Non-registration revenue – This includes revenue not tied to the registration of the event, as well as extra donations made during registration.
    • Balance
    • Number of registrants and how many attended
  • Click on any event to quickly jump to its corresponding page in GAIL.

Filtering the Data

By default, statistics are shown for all events. To view the statistics for events within your division (or site), use the filter pane on the right-side of the screen. You can further reduce the events by a specific time frame, using the Fiscal Year and Specific Dates filter panes.

If you would like to narrow down to certain events, you can select the event names from the table directly. To search for a specific event, you can click the “Main Event Name” header in the table to search. When searching, you can use wild cards (*) to assist with your search. For example, if you want to see every event with the word “Cookie”, you can search “*Cookie*”.

Your active filters are displayed in the tabs at the top. To remove any one filter, click the “X” on the respective tab. If you would like to quickly remove all filters, click the symbol shown below.


To look closer at a specific event, simply click the Event name from the table. This will redirect you to the event page. If you would like to take a closer look at the revenue details, you can select the “Event Revenue Analysis” tab from the left-hand sidebar under the “Reports” section.

Event Revenue Analysis

With this tool, you can view revenue details of a specific event, including date, amount, revenue type, and the donor’s name.

  • If viewing the non-registration table, you can also see the designation and application of the revenue transaction.
  • If viewing the expenses table, you are shown the expense name, amount (actual, paid, budgeted), as well as any comments.

To view non-registration data, select the “Non-Registration Revenue” tab at the top of the dashboard. To view expenses, select the “Expenses” tab.

Filtering the Data

To view a select set of records, you can filter the data in one of two ways:

1. Clicking on the value in the cell
2. Clicking on the magnifying glass in the column header, and selecting the value from the drop-down
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Article ID: 163272
Fri 7/26/24 5:16 PM
Fri 7/26/24 5:56 PM