Events By Site Tool

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The Events by Site analytic tool allows you to filter by your school, college or unit by fiscal year to see how many people registered, how many attended, and the engagement in your events over time. You can further view information on the registrants for your events including the number of registrants that made a donation as a result of your event, how many of your registrants are donors to your unit, 

Overview of Features

Here’s a quick list of things you can do with this tool:

  • You can click on any of your named events in the list to drill in and see information related specifically to that event, such as:
    • Giving information
    • Registrants by degree area
    • Registrants by constituency
    • Registrants by location
  • You can select a series of events to get stats on how they performed over time (Ex: Cookies & Cocoa with Hairy Dawg)
  • You can filter by site and see a list of registrants for each event, and see how has attended multiple events

There are many other exciting information data contained in this tool so be sure to check it out!

View Your Site

Overall Site Information

To see the overall statistics for all events within your School, College, Unit, or Division (known as your Site within GAIL), click the filter icon on the top-right of the tool. This will bring up a list of all filter options, including Event Name, Event Site, Year of Event Date, Attended, and Lifetime Recognition Giving.

If you want to see all events held by your Site, click Event Site. Unselect "All" and then select your chosen site. You are also welcome to click on multiple sites it you want to see the cumulative data for various sites together.

If you would like to narrow down the events your site has held to a specific time frame, such as this fiscal year, you can do so with the Year of Event Date filter. Click whatever year(s) you would like to view. The tool will show the total added number for all fiscal years chosen.

To remove the filters to view the information hidden by them, click the filter icon again.

Specific Event Information

If you want to view the information for a specific event that your Site has held, click on the filter icon and then click on the "Event Name" filter. This will show a list of all events within GAIL. Click "All to deselect all event, and then search for your specific event in the search bar. Check the box for the event that you want to see, and the information will populate into the report.

You can also choose multiple events here. If you wanted to see the total of all events you held within a certain time period, or the overall results for an event that you hold annually, search for and check all events that you would like to be included.

To quickly deselect multiple different events that you have checked, click "All" to select all and then click "All" again to deselect everything.

Drilling into the Data

When looking at the events held by your site, if you want to understand any presented information shown further, you can drill into that information by clicking on it. By clicking "Non-Alumni" under "Registrants by Degree Area," now the rest of the degree areas become greyed out. All information shown under the other sections, such as "Registrants by Current Constituency" will be shown to be the specific numbers within the blue highlighted section.

If you wish to undo this viewpoint to see the overall information within your filter set, just click one of the grey spaces within the report. The information will then reset without changing the filters.

Event Giving & Registrants

Event Giving

To view information pulled through your filters specific to event giving, click the "Event Giving" tab at the top-left of the report. This will change the presented information to giving information including:

  • Lifetime Donor Count by Site
  • Donor Count by Site & Fiscal Year
  • Gift Count & Amount by Site & Fiscal Year
  • By Years of Recognition
  • By LAIT Linkage Score
  • By Total Recognition
  • Donor Status in Relation to Event

As before, this information can be further drilled into by clicking on any of the displayed pieces of information.

Event Registrants

Individual registrants for all filtered events can also be displayed. To see individual registrants, click on the "Event Registrants" tab at the top-left of the report.

For each registrant, it will show you what events they signed up for, whether not they attended, and includes a pop-up box with more information about their registration by clicking on "More info." This can display important information about their registration such as when they registered, if they were considered a donor before this event or if this event was their first time donating, if this was their first UGA event that they registered for, and their first time being recognized as a donor.