UGAMail Calendar FAQs

Can everyone see my calendar?


Only individuals within UGA can see your calendar. By default, they may only view your free and busy times; detailed information, such as subject, location, attendees, etc. is not visible.

This can be changed through Outlook for Windows, Outlook for Mac, and Outlook on the web (modify the permission settings for Default).

Outlook for Windows - Share an Outlook calendar with other people

Outlook for Mac - Share your calendar in Outlook for Mac

Outlook on the web (OWA) - Share your calendar in Outlook on the web

This does not apply to individuals with FERPA restrictions, who are invisible in the Global Address List.


Can I have more than just one calendar?

Yes, it is possible to have multiple, shareable calendars.

How do I share my calendar?

Microsoft Support provides a both a video and a how to list for sharing your outlook calendar.

How to I set some of my calendar items to private?

While creating the event, or after clicking "edit event" for an existing event, click "more options." There should be an option along other event options settings to mark the event private.

How do I request a resource calendar?

Please use this link to request a Calendar Resource: Calendar Resource Request

Are there any differences between student and faculty/staff calendars?


There are no differences between student and faculty/staff calendars. With the proper permissions, faculty, and staff members will be able to schedule meetings with students, while students will now be able to schedule resources.


I cannot find someone in the Global Address List. How can I share my calendar with them?


Individuals not found in the Global Address List (GAL) have restricted their information, likely due to FERPA.

Enter their full UGA email address instead of their first and last name when prompted.


I cannot be found in the Global Address List. How do I fix this?

All faculty and staff members should be listed in the GAL unless as students they added a FERPA restriction through Athena. You should appear in the GAL the day after removing the restriction. If not, please contact the EITS Help Desk.

How do I create a repeating/recurring meeting?


In Outlook for the web and Outlook for Mac, click New Event, then set up your meeting details. Next to the Time and Date, you can choose how often you want the meeting to reoccur.

Recurring meeting screenshot

In Microsoft Outlook for Windows, click New Appointment, then icon the Recurrence icon to set how often you want the meeting to reoccur. 

Recurring meeting screenshot windows

My calendar in Outlook is not showing the latest entries, but I can see them on the web. What is happening?

Your Outlook profile has become corrupt. Please Contact the EITS Help Desk for assistance in creating a new profile.