Pledge Monitoring

Gift Accounting will produce a quarterly report for all pledges 3 months past due. The pledge installment profiles found on the reports will be sorted by account and will be grouped under the appropriate school, college, or unit constituency area. The reports will be distributed to the unit-based development officers for their review. A comprehensive copy of the report, encompassing all constituency areas, will be forwarded to the Senior Director for Constituent-Based Programs, the Associate Vice President for Development, the Executive Director of Gift and Estate Planning, the Senior Director of Leadership and Major Gifts, the Senior Director of Annual and Special Gifts, and the Executive Director of Donor Relations and Stewardship. 

The expectation is that the various development officers will review the past due pledge(s) and take the most appropriate course of action. In some instances, the development officer may contact the donor in order to ascertain current intentions. All follow-up conducted on these pledges should be routed through the Gift Accounting and they will update the pledge.