Changing Donor Designation

From time to time, a donor, having previously made a gift to a designated area, asks that the gift’s designation be changed. If gift monies have already been deposited, it is asked that the donor state in writing to Gift Accounting that he or she wishes to designate it differently. This is usually allowed within one week of the gift having been made. The staff of Gift Accounting, with the consent of the Development Officer or respective Dean, Director or Vice President, will make the appropriate accounting adjustments to re-designate a gift. This type of change is discouraged whenever possible, particularly if the change is from one benefiting area to another.

If a donor who has previously made a pledge to a designated area within the Foundation wishes to change a pledge, he or she must submit a letter or other written document (such as a note on a gift slip from the donor) explaining the desire to change. Gift Accounting will notify the appropriate University unit of the new pledge and indicate on the existing pledge that a substitute pledge has been made.

NOTE: A request to return a gift to a donor is generally refused. By definition, a gift is donative in nature, and there are no conditions or restrictions on the use of the funds except that they may be used to benefit a general or specific area or endeavor.

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Article ID: 155879
Fri 5/26/23 11:04 AM
Fri 5/26/23 11:04 AM