Credit Card Gifts

Credit card gift procedures:

  1. UGAF currently accepts American Express, Discover, Master Card, and Visa for credit card contributions. A donor who wishes to make a gift in this manner must provide Gift Accounting with a valid account number, expiration date, and the name and addressof the cardholder. Also, to ensure proper crediting, the donor should indicate the dollar amount and designation of the gift.
  2. The same credit cards identified above may also be used to make a gift online by taking the following steps:
    1. Go to
    2. Select a school or college, other area, or a cause
    3. Identify a designation
    4. Choose one of the suggested gift amounts or choose "other," and enter the appropriate amount for your gift.
    5. Click "add gift."
    6. To complete your gift, click on "continue." You will be asked to provide your credit card number and expiration date.
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Article ID: 155825
Thu 5/25/23 2:28 PM
Fri 6/23/23 3:49 PM