Login difficulties

Tags login vpn FAME

Problems logging into FAME can usually be resolved by the users themselves.  Below are some common FAME login issues, along with steps to correct the issue.  Please note that the only browsers supported by FAME are IE 11, Chrome and Safari (on Apple devices).


Issue 1: You receive an error screen informing you that "This site can't be reached", or "Can't reach this page", or "Archpass Duo is required", or similar
  • Cause: You are not connected to the "02 restricted" campus VPN (or your connection needs to be refreshed)
  • Solution: FAME requires that users be connected to the "02 restricted" University VPN (also known as Cisco AnyConnect).  Please note that the general VPN will not work.  You must be connected to the "02 restricted" VPN, as shown in the screenshot below:

  • Note:  If you are having this issue while you are connected to the VPN, please note that on rare occasions, the connection isn't working properly even though the Cisco client says that you are connected.  Please disconnect and reconnect to try again.


Issue 2:  You receive the error "User name and/or password could not be authenticated" with known good credentials
  • Cause: The user domain "myid" was not provided.
  • Solution: FAME requires users to log in with their fully-qualified MYID username, as shown in the screenshot below:

  • Ensure that you have provided your username in the form "myid\<username>".  For example, if your myid name is "jsmith", you would type "myid\jsmith" in the Username field on the FAME login screen.
  • Ensure that you are using the correct slash.  The slash should be the same one in the screenshot and examples directly above.  The correct slash to use is "\".
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Article ID: 147086
Mon 7/25/22 2:58 PM
Wed 4/3/24 10:54 AM